Do any of these statements sound like you ?


  • I've been riding for years, but no matter how hard I try. I never really improve.
  • Generally, I don't have a lot of time, so I batter myself on every ride.
  • I'm new to cycling and I just love it. Realistically, I want to get better. 
  • I have a Holiday/ big challenge ride next year and I want to be fit enough to really enjoy it.
  • I want to give it a go to see how much I can improve with some structure.
  • I get on the turbo and just pick a session, effectively at random. I have no real method to indoor training.


We know you are here because you want to improve and you've probably heard good things about us. We understand that riders come to us for a range of reasons, but that the expectation is generally more or less the same. 

It's Time to Make a Difference

The next step really is very simple. Ring or email and lets have a chat. We can go for a ride or meet up for a coffee and you can tell me how you want the future to be.

Email: info@cyclecoach.cc 

Call: 07908 002518

Facebook: cyclecoach.cc 

Instagram: @cyclecoach.cc

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