Andrew Fraser - Head Coach 

Level 3  ABBC Qualified Cycling Coach
Level 2 British Cycling (BC) Coach

I sold my business in 2019 to pursue my passion for cycling. As well as full-time coach, I am still an active and competitive cyclist.  I hold a 2nd Cat BC race licence and still race regularly at both BC and Masters racing on the road and track. I have previously competed in TTs, Cyclo-Cross, Triathlon and Duathlon.

Recently, I raced abroad at the Masters Tour of Mallorca and European Cup 2019, where I finished top 10 in my age group.

As well as individual client coaching, I also coach groups for British Cycling and Velo Club Lincoln.

Strategies & Plans

Every customer is unique. That’s why we customise every one of our plans to fit your needs exactly. Whether it’s a small strategy or a comprehensive effort, we’ll discuss with you, listen to your requests and prepare a customised plan to meet your exact requirements. 

Training science is open source and you can read a lot of texts on the web. Equally, you can buy a generic training plan and follow that. The fact that you are reading this brings us to the conclusion that you are considering a personalised program.


The importance of coaching in sport is well proven. Our role is to interpret your data and translate this into progress. Recognising how you cope with training load and adjusting your plan to make consistent improvement is our key objective. Life isn't always predictable and we understand you may need  to skip a session or two. We'll get you back on track again.

Trust us, we will deliver the results you want.

View our Plans


“I am delighted with the progress made in the first 8 weeks.........having added 10% to my FTP already.”
Gavin S 

"Really enjoyed woring with with Andy of CYCLECOACH.cc. Following a bespoke training plan built around your ability ensures you achieve the ideal balance of training and recovery. Give him a shout and realise your potential."
Simon C 
Great to tap into the experience of a coach that has been through the processes and can guide you through step by step.”
Dan H

"Andy has really helped me take the thinking, stress and exhaustion out of my winter training. I was running myself into the ground and not progressing (actually getting weaker and struggling more and more to hit previous numbers). 

With Andy.....the training is smarter, I am getting fitter/faster whilst not destroying myself mentally and physically."
Simon J
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